Physical Literacy
Physical literacy is a fundamental and valuable human capability that can be described as a disposition acquired by human individuals encompassing the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding that establishes purposeful physical pursuits as an integral part of their lifestyle.

What's physical literacy? Here's what you need to know | Active For Life
The What, Why and How of Physical Literacy, and how parents can easily incorporate it into their children's daily lives.
What is Physical Literacy | Active for Life
Physical literacy is when kids have developed the skills, confidence, and love of movement to be physically active for life. View the infographic, watch a short video ...
Active for Life: Elementary Teachers Toolkit | Active For Life
Teachers can follow the links to a wide variety of teaching resources and information to help children develop physical literacy in the elementary years.
What Is Physical Literacy And Why Does It Matter? | Learning -
Physical literacy is no different than other aspects of literacy. Kids aren't born physically literate—just like they aren't born knowing how to read ...
Physical Literacy | ParticipACTION
Physical literacy is the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical .
What is physical literacy? | Tennis Canada
Happily, physical literacy is really quite a simple concept: it's about developing the necessary movement skills in children that in turn give them ...
Physical Literacy Explained | Passport for Life
PHE Canada's definition: Physical Literacy is moving with competence and confidence in a wide variety of physical activities in multiple environments that ...