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Healthy and Safe Participation

We are committed to healthy and safe participation and are members of the OPHEA Safety Committee.

Refer to the OPHEA website for further documentation on those standards.

Below are some additional topics related to health and safety in sport and recreation.

Be sure you are well aware of all your responsibilities when planning sport or recreation activities.

Head Injuries / Concussions

A bump on the head may not sound serious but any impact that causes the brain to move within the skull can result in traumatic brain injury, known as concussion. Without proper treatment, concussions can have serious health impacts, so it’s important to know the signs and symptoms—especially as concussions often go unnoticed in children.

Head Injuries / Concussions

Protective equipment, such as mats, helmets and padding, is one of the easiest ways to prevent injury in children during recreation. Always make sure that protective equipment is used each time it is required, that it is being used properly, that it is in working condition and that it fits correctly.


Risks are everywhere and can never be eliminated completely but supervision is one of the most important things you can do to prevent injury in children during recreation. Try to watch the children as an entire group, avoid distraction as much as possible and ensure you have the number of supervisors needed for the amount of children.

Slips, Trips and

The most common way for children to be injured during recreation is a slip, trip or fall. Accidents happen but there are things you can do to prevent them, such as marking areas where accidents could occur, placing barriers where falls could happen, picking things up off the floor and cleaning up messes.

Age Appropriateness

Not every activity is going to be appropriate for every group of children, depending on their age, skill level, physical ability and mental capability, which can increase the risk of injury during recreation. If you feel an activity is too difficult for the group, make sure to modify as needed to prevent injury.

Communicable and Infectious 

Description needed

Water Safety

Recreational use of waters has increased in recent decades both here in Canada and around the world. Swimming pools and other recreational water facilities offer great opportunities for enjoyment and health promotion, but they may also involve health risks so be sure to always exercise extreme caution around water.

Sun Safety

Most kids love to play, and socialize outside on sunny, hot days, but too much fun in the sun and heat can be harmful – and even fatal. So remember to cover up, use sunscreen or stay out of the suns harmful rays.


Hydration during physical activity is crucial to enjoyment and successful performance. Make sure your students drink plenty of water and replace electrolytes while participating in high output activities...even while swimming. 


Waivers are an important component of any sport-or recreation-based activity. They are necessary to protect you and your organization from legal action should an incident occur.    

Risk Assessment

A risk assessment is the process of evaluating the consequences expected from an incident arising from a hazard, such as an injury requiring medical treatment or a fatality, combined with the probability of this incident occurring.


Today's weather can be very unpredictable and can change rapidly. Always ensure your participants have access to shelter if required, and have a back-up plan and emergency plan in place in case of bad weather. 

Always remember,


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